Class exchange

During a class exchange your pupils gain intercultural insights, practice foreign languages or immerse themselves in project work. From daylong meetings across the language border in Switzerland to in-depth joint project work abroad, you have many options to choose from. 

What it's all about

Classes or groups of pupils spend at least one day in another language region or at least two days abroad. An exchange with a class abroad also involves joint thematic project work over the course of the school year. We will help you find a partner class and suitable activities and support your project financially.

  • For classes and groups of pupils at primary, lower and upper secondary level (including vocational schools)

  • In Switzerland or abroad

  • Encounters in Switzerland with pupils from another language region for one day or more, or meetings abroad for two days or more with joint topic-orientated project work 

  • Financial support for participants from Switzerland and from abroad (for return visits)

  • Support in finding a partner via the match&move platform

  • Application  submitted by the teachers (projects in Switzerland) or their institution (projects with partners abroad)

  • Application for projects in Switzerland possible on an ongoing basis, for projects abroad twice a year


Schulklassen aus Luzern und Sarajevo im Austausch

Im letzten September besuchten Schülerinnen und Schüler der Kantonsschule Alpenquai ihre gleichaltrigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Sarajevo und setzten sich mit der bewegten Geschichte Bosnien-Herzegowinas auseinander. Anfang März erfolgte der Gegenbesuch in Luzern.

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Eintauchen in indische Lebens- und Lernwelten

Die Schüler:innen der Kantonsschule Alpenquai in Luzern und ihre Kolleg:innen aus Kerala in Indien setzten sich im Rahmen eines internationalen Klassenaustausch intensiv mit sozialer Ungleichheit auseinander. Besuche in Luzern und Indien ermöglichten Einblicke in kulturelle Unterschiede und deren Auswirkungen.

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Migrationserfahrungen auf der Spur

Im Juli besuchten 10 Schüler:innen aus Cisternino (IT) im Rahmen eines Klassenaustauschs die Schule in Kreuzlingen. Gemeinsam erforschten sie die Geschichte der Immigration und Emigration in beiden Länder anhand literarischer Werke und biografischer Interviews. Im Oktober folgt der Gegenbesuch in Italien.

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Klassenaustausch auf der Rütliwiese

Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Kantonsschule Kollegium Schwyz und dem gymnase d’Yverdon trafen sich vor Kurzem auf der Rütlisiwese für einen Klassenaustausch. Dort, wo die heutige Schweiz ihren Anfang nahm, werden auch heute Hürden überwunden und Gemeinsamkeiten gefunden. 

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Zweisprachig forschen, staunen und kommunizieren

Im Rahmen des Klassenaustauschs zwischen den Primarschulen aus Rüti b. Büren (BE) und Neuenburg (NE) besuchten die Schüler:innen ein Forschungslabor in Solothurn. Die jungen Entdecker:innen arbeiteten gemeinsam in Sprachtandems und lernten so, sich in der Fremdsprache auszutauschen.

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Dialogue learning beyond borders

The Guldisloo school in Wetzikon has been practising dialogue-based learning for years. The innovative didactics at the model school in Switzerland also interested the school supervisory authorities from Styria in Austria. This resulted in a one-year mobility project.

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A national class exchange in Le Locle

Pupils from a primary school class in Le Locle talk enthusiastically about their language exchange experiences in German-speaking Switzerland, where maths and sometimes even French are taught in German.

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Added value

For pupils:

  • They get to know peers whose daily lives and lifeworlds differ from theirs.
  • They strengthen their personal skills such as communication strategies, openness and self-confidence.
  • Both in class exchanges in Switzerland and in exchanges with partners abroad: They practice foreign languages and thus develop their linguistic skills.
  • Class exchanges abroad: They develop their intercultural competences and gain experience with project-based work.

For teachers:

  • They will expand their range of didactic and pedagogic methods through the exchange with their peers. 
  • They enrich their lessons with authentic conversation settings and interdisciplinary projects. 
  • Their professional and personal networks grow.


  • Class exchange in Switzerland

    • Language and cultural exchange of at least one day

    • For  classes and groups of pupils at primary, lower and upper secondary level

    • In another language region of Switzerland

    • Exchange planned by teacher or use of ready-made exchange activities

    • Support in finding a partner via the match&move platform

  • Class exchange abroad

    • Joint project over the course of the school year

    • At least one on-site meeting lasting 2 days or longer

    • For classes and groups of pupils at primary, lower and upper secondary level

    • Worldwide exchange possibilities

    • Support in finding a partner via the match&move platform

Similar funding opportunities

  • Individual exchange during the school year

    Pupils live in another language region of Switzerland or abroad for up to a year and attend school there.

  • Exchange for VET learners

    An internship in Ireland or Geneva or apprenticeship project in China? VET students/apprentices and graduates can gain work experience abroad or in another language region of Switzerland during or shortly after their apprenticeship. In any case, an enrichment for the CV.