Individual exchange during the school year
Sharing experiences with youths of the same age and learning a language at the same time: that is the aim of a pupil exchange. Children and youths attend school in another language region of Switzerland or abroad and live with a host family. A boost for any CV!
What it's all about
In individual exchanges pupils live with a host family in another language region in Switzerland or abroad for a duration of 10 days up to one year and attend school there. They practise a foreign language or even learn a new one. In addition, an individual exchange reinforces the pupils' independence and intercultural skills.
For pupils from primary school to upper secondary school (baccalaureate upper secondary schools, specialised secondary schools and vocational schools)
10 days up to one school year
In another language region in Switzerland or abroad
Reciprocal exchange possible
Organisation by schools and canton
Application deadlines: Ongoing (national) / twice a year in spring and autumn (international)
Added value
For pupils:
- They practise a foreign language in authentic everyday situations and thus deepen their knowledge.
- They open up to the culture and the regional distinctions of the host region.
- They strengthen their self-confidence and communication skills through an experience outside of their family and classroom.
- They get to know people of the same age from a different culture and make new friends.