Exchange for VET learners

An internship in Ireland or Geneva or apprenticeship project in China? VET students/apprentices and graduates can gain work experience abroad or in another language region of Switzerland during or shortly after their apprenticeship. In any case, an enrichment for the CV.

What it's all about

VET students/apprentices and graduates can work in another language region of Switzerland or abroad during or shortly after their training. The educational institution (e.g. vocational schools, training providers, professional organisations or cantonal VET offices) organises the planning of the stay and supervision of the VET student/apprentice. Swiss training providers and vocational schools can also receive VET students/apprentices and apprenticeship graduates from abroad (incomings). Joint project work between groups or classes of Swiss apprentices and foreign VET students/apprentices is also possible.  

  • For VET students/apprentices and graduates of basic vocational training (EFZ, EBA, BM)

  • In Switzerland or abroad

  • Duration of stay abroad between 5 and 180 days, in Switzerland up to 6 months

  • Organised by a Swiss institution of vocational education and training, e.g. vocational schools, professional associations, training providers, professional organisations (OdA) or cantonal education offices.

  • Application twice a year for stays abroad and on an ongoing basis for activities within Switzerland


In der Lehre Erfahrungen in einer anderen Sprachregion sammeln

Sechs Monate arbeitet der angehende Detailhandelsfachmann Arto Olsen aus Genf in Zürich. Als Verkäufer von Luxusuhren verbringt er viel Zeit mit der Beratung einer vielsprachigen Kundschaft. Deshalb sind die Sprachkompetenzen, die er während des Austauschs erwirbt, wichtig für seine berufliche Zukunft.

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Ein Austausch macht eine Lehre attraktiver

Bereits während der Ausbildung Arbeitserfahrung im Ausland sammeln. Das ermöglichte das Universitätsspital Zürich vier Lernenden im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes. Linda Bosson war eine von ihnen und kehrte mit vielen Erfahrungen und zahlreichen Eindrücken zurück.

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Auch Lernende technischer Berufe können in den Austausch

Drei Wochen arbeiteten vier Zuger Konstrukteure und Automatiker während ihrer Lehre in einem Betrieb in Irland. Sie lernten dabei nicht nur Englisch, sondern nahmen auch fachlich und persönlich sehr viel mit. Davon profitieren sie, ihr Lehrbetrieb und ihre Schule gleichermassen.

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Lernendenaustausch zwischen Deutschland und der Schweiz

Während der Lehre ins Ausland gehen – diesen Traum hat die Logistikerin Marina Schmid vor gut zwei Jahren verwirklichen können. Mit anderen Lernenden des Berufsbildungszentrums IDM in Thun reiste sie für drei Wochen nach Jever und arbeitete dort als Lernende weiter.

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Dank Austausch zum Unternehmertum

Yasmine, Félicien und Sarah arbeiteten während und nach der Lehre im Ausland. Profitiert davon haben alle drei. Sie wurden selbstständiger, initiativer und verbesserten ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten. Kompetenzen, die sie als Unternehmer:in benötigen. 

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How an exchange led to a new business venture

Noah Rechsteiner runs his own pop-up restaurant – at just 19 years old. His exchange to Sylt in 2018 laid the foundation for a remarkable career move.

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Internship in Liverpool

What is it like to live in Liverpool for six months? Noé Berdoz gives an insight into his internship abroad.

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Experiences from an internship in Sweden

Nuria Regensburger is training to become a business administrator. During her apprenticeship she spent time abroad in Sweden. The exchange experience not only had a positive impact on her as a person, but is also a big boost for her CV.   

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Auslandsaufenthalte bieten grossen Mehrwert für Lernende

Der Verband der Schweizer Tech-Industrie (Swissmem) ist von dual gestalteten Auslandsaufenthalte während der Lehre überzeugt. Diese kombinieren den Sprachunterrichtet und die praktische Arbeit. Es entsteht ein Mehrwert für die Lernenden und den Betrieb. 

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Learners strengthen their self-confidence during an exchange

Lina, Fabian and Nuria took part in an exchange programme in Sweden during their apprenticeship. Find out what cultural differences they experienced, how they faced challenges and what effects the exchange had on their self-confidence in their report.  

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Added value

For VET students/apprentices and apprenticeship graduates:

  • Expanding specialist expertise
  • Acquire professional experience abroad or in another language region of Switzerland
  • Acquire intercultural competences
  • Learn and/or improve a new language
  • Improve soft skills
  • Enrich your CV and increase your chances on the labour market

For educational institutions:

  • Expand and strengthen national and international cooperation in the field of vocational education and training
  • Position itself as an attractive educational institution
  • Increase the attractiveness of vocational training 
  • Gain new impetus and introduce innovations 
  • Expand network 
  • Strengthening multilingualism and anchoring a culture of internationality 


  • Traineeship in Switzerland for VET learners

    • Gain work experience with an internship individually or in a group

    • Optionally with school attendance and language course

    • Between 5 days to 6 months

    • For VET students/apprentices and graduates of basic vocational training (EFZ, EBA, BM)

    • In another Swiss language region

    • Organised by a Swiss educational institution 

  • Traineeship abroad for VET learners

    • Gain work experience with an internship individually or in a group

    • Optionally with a language preparation

    • 5 days to 1 year (graduates: max. 6 months)

    • For VET students/apprentices and graduates of basic vocational training (EFZ, EBA, BM)

    • Abroad or in Switzerland for VET students/apprentices from abroad 

    • Organised by a Swiss educational institution 

  • Project work abroad for VET learners

    • Joint project work by Swiss and foreign VET students/apprentices 

    • 5 days - 1 year 

    • For VET students/apprentices in basic vocational training (EFZ, EBA, BM)

    • With a physical meeting in Switzerland or abroad

    • Organised by a Swiss vocational school 

Similar funding opportunities

  • Exchange during the holidays

    Young people visit each other during the vacations and spend one to two weeks with their respective families in another language region of Switzerland.

  • Volunteering

    Young adults can actively support a non-profit project in a field of their choice, in Switzerland or Europe.