Class exchange in Switzerland

Two classes from different language regions visit each other or meet up for a joint activity. They practise their foreign language skills with their peers and discover a different culture in Switzerland. 

Next steps

Application on an ongoing basis, to be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting

Application on an ongoing basis, to be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting


For whom

  • For classes and groups of pupils at primary, lower secondary and upper secondary level


  • 1 day or longer


  • In another language region of Switzerland

What we fund

  • Financial support for organisation, travel, stay, accommodation, and activities
  • Find partner class and exchange activities on the match&move platform

What to do

  • Teachers or other persons tasked with organising the exchange look for a partner class, plan the project and submit a funding application


  • Application on an ongoing basis, to be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting

Next steps

Application on an ongoing basis, to be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting

In detail

Class exchanges in Switzerland take place between two or more classes or groups of pupils from different language regions. You can organise reciprocal visits or integrate the exchange into a school outing or camp or a project week. Through joint activities with their peers pupils experience the language they have been studying in everyday settings. They often realise that they are much better at communicating than they expected. This increases their motivation for language learning.

Competence-orientated learning 

Class exchanges promote intercultural contacts between the German, French, Italian and Romansh-speaking areas of Switzerland. Participating in a class exchange motivates pupils to leave their comfort zone. It also helps them develop personal sills such as openness and independence. 

Teachers get to know other pedagogical and didactic methods through the exchange with their colleagues. They also practice the language they teach in an everyday, authentic linguistic setting.

The exchange between Switzerland's language regions strengthens mutual understanding and national cohesion.

Flexible in Duration and Form

A Class exchange involves at least one on-site meeting. How you organise the exchange is up to you. On the platform match&move you will find various ideas and our ready-to-use suggestions for activities for multilingual groups. These ready-made activities come with didactic suggestions, and some of them can also be booked, e.g. a museum visit or a workshop. This facilitates the organization of the exchange.

The following forms of exchange are possible, either by themselves or in combination with others:

  • Classic exchange: Two or more classes or groups of pupils visit each other in home towns. 
  • Digital exchange: The pupils exchange information via video call, email, messenger or letter. Find out more about the Digital exchange 
  • Exchange in an external location: The classes or groups of pupils go on an excursion together, take part in a school camp, in thematic encounters or in workshops together at one of our partner institutions. Find out more about these ready-to-use activities.
  • Half-class exchange: The classes are divided into two groups, and each group carries out the exchange for a few days.
  • Exchange by rotation: Only some pupils attend the partner class at a given time.

National exchange week: the ideal timing

The national exchange week takes place every year in November. It offers an ideal time frame for your class exchange. There is no need to search for dates, and because many schools reserve dates during this week, it is easier to find a partner class. In addition, cantons and cultural and scientific institutions organise additional events geared towards school exchanges. This opens up many possibilities and facilitates your planning.

More about the national exchange week 

Find a partner class

We support you in finding a partner class via our platform match&move. You can either place an advert or contact teachers who have already placed an advert. You will also find ideas on what to do during a class exchange, and we provide you with pedagogical and didactic tools.

Would you like to speak to a teacher who has already organised a Class exchange? Contact our ambassadors.


Klassenaustausch auf der Rütliwiese

Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Kantonsschule Kollegium Schwyz und dem gymnase d’Yverdon trafen sich vor Kurzem auf der Rütlisiwese für einen Klassenaustausch. Dort, wo die heutige Schweiz ihren Anfang nahm, werden auch heute Hürden überwunden und Gemeinsamkeiten gefunden. 

Read more

Zweisprachig forschen, staunen und kommunizieren

Im Rahmen des Klassenaustauschs zwischen den Primarschulen aus Rüti b. Büren (BE) und Neuenburg (NE) besuchten die Schüler:innen ein Forschungslabor in Solothurn. Die jungen Entdecker:innen arbeiteten gemeinsam in Sprachtandems und lernten so, sich in der Fremdsprache auszutauschen.

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A national class exchange in Le Locle

Pupils from a primary school class in Le Locle talk enthusiastically about their language exchange experiences in German-speaking Switzerland, where maths and sometimes even French are taught in German.

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Rheinfelden trifft Neuchâtel

Austauschprojekte mit der Romandie haben an der Bezirksschule Rheinfelden Tradition. Vor allem Schülerinnen und Schüler schätzen das Angebot. Sie erhalten damit Jahr für Jahr die Gelegenheit für eine einzigartige Sprach- und Lebenserfahrung.

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Ein nachhaltiger Klassenaustausch

„Deux langues – ein Ziel“ ermöglichte bereits tausenden Schüler:innen eine intensive Austauschwoche mit einer Schule aus der jeweils anderen Sprachregion des Kantons. Seit 10 Jahren praktiziert das Wallis diese Art des Klassenaustauschs, seit 7 Jahren der Kanton Bern. Ein eindeutig nachhaltiges Projekt.

Read more


The project you are planning with your partner class needs to meet the following requirements:

  • At least two classes or groups of pupils (public or private schools) at primary level, lower secondary and upper secondary level (baccalaureate upper secondary schools, upper secondary schools and vocational schools) from two or more different language regions of Switzerland (within the same canton or in different cantons) take part in the exchange. Inter-cantonal exchange projects are preferred.
  • You develop a programme for your exchange project which allows the pupils to interact with each other across language barriers on each exchange day. In addition, the pupils should deal with the topics language learning and Swiss culture on at least two occasions over the course of the project.
  • The pupils meet for at least one day.
  • In an exchange by rotation at least half of the class takes part in an on-site meeting.
  • The funding application must be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting is to take place.

Funding amounts

  • Planning: 150 CHF (per partner school)
  • Journey: 15 CHF (per day of travel and per pupil and teacher / accompanying person)
  • Stay: 10 CHF (per day of stay and per pupil and teacher / accompanying person)
  • For overnight stays: 
    • 20 CHF per overnight stay and per pupil and teacher / accompanying person (in youth hostels, on campsites, etc., family accommodation is not funded); 
    • 100 CHF per additional overnight stay per teacher or accompanying person (e.g. if the pupils stay with families and the teachers and accompanying persons stay in a hotel)
  • For special needs of persons with disabilities or with physical, mental,or chronic diseases: Max. 12’000 CHF (actual costs according to notification of requirement)

The funding contributions for teachers or accompanying persons do not apply to exchanges by rotation, as in this case they do not accompany the pupils. 

Calculation base for the number of teachers / accompanying persons:

  • Up to 14 pupils: 1 teacher / accompanying person
  • Up to 24 pupils: 2 teachers / accompanying persons
  • Up to 34 pupils: 3 teachers / accompanying persons
  • etc.

Tip: Some cantons offer additional financial support for the organisation of a class exchange. Enquire with the cantonal exchange coordinator in your canton.


The funding application for a class exchange needs to be submitted by a teacher, a school or a canton. One application covers all partner classes.

  1. 1

    1. Find a partner class

    To organise a class exchange, you need one or more partner classes in another language region.

    • Use your personal or professional network to find a partner class.
    • If you do not yet have a partner class, we can help you find one via our platform  match&move. On match&move you can either place an advert or contact teachers who have already placed an advert. You will also find ideas on what to do during a class exchange, and we will provide you with additional resources and pedagogical materials.
    • Consider carrying out the exchange during the national exchange week in November. The likelihood of finding a suitable partner class is particularly high in this time frame.
    • Get more information on the topic Find an exchange partner. 
  2. 2

    2. optional Arrange a preparatory visit

    Would you like to meet potential project partners on site to get to know each other or jointly develop a project? Get financial support for a preparatory visit. 

  3. 3

    3. Planning the project

    • Plan the content, form and timing of the meetings together with the teachers of the partner class. In order to fill in the funding application, you will need a rough outline of the planned programme for the enounters and a short description of your project (at least 500 characters).
    • On match&move you will find ideas for activities, and you can book a museum visit or a workshop with our partner institutions.
    • We recommend that you travel by public transport as it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly SBB group tickets.
    • Benefit from our partnership with the Swiss Youth Hostels for overnight stays and receive a discount.
  4. 4

    4. Submit a funding application

    • Submit a funding application online. The application must be submitted at least one day before the first on-site meeting.
    • Only one application is required for all classes involved in the class exchange.
    • Once you have completed the outline of the programme and the project description it will take roughly 15 minutes to complete the funding application.
    • Once you have submitted the funding application we will evaluate your application.
    • You will receive our funding decision within 25 days of submission. If your project fulfils the requirements, we will send you an acceptance letter with a confirmation form which your school principal needs to sign.
  5. 5

    5. Auszahlung der Förderbeiträge

  6. 6

    6. Carry out a class exchange

    • Prepare your pupils for the exchange, e.g. by making them aware of other cultural values, customs and ways of life. Tips for intercultural preparation. 
    • xPlay the game Generator of Micro Adventures to playfully work on transdisciplinary competences, which are crucial for a successful exchange. 
    • Practise useful words with your pupils. We provide online word lists in various language combinations. 
    • Plan a scavenger hunt or a museum visit specially designed for exchange classes. You can find ideas and offers on match&move. 
    • Select some activities you can use as  icebreakers during the encounters. 
    • Don't forget to allow for unscheduled time during the meetings. Getting to know each other over a sandwich or during a football game is just as important as completing tasks together. 
  7. 7

    7. Submit final report

    • Once the class exchange has been completed, you have to submit a short final report within 30 days. Depending on the actual number of participating pupils and teachers / accompanying persons and on the number of encounters we will pay out the remaining amount or issue a reclaim request.
  8. 8

    8. Spread the word

    • Share your experiences in a report, with your school community and with the public at large. Motivate other teachers to organise a class exchange. Be sure to mention the funding provided by Movetia. We provide a logo and text modules.
    • Contact us to increase your reach, e.g. through a Magazine article on our website. Talk about us

Q & A

Yes, one funding application for the entire exchange project is sufficient. Movetia will then pay out the funding amount separately to the partners involved.  

Yes. You can submit a funding application up to one day before the first on-site meeting between classes is to take place.  

State the approximate dates for the encounters and draft a programme in broad outlines. Include at least one activity per exchange day which allows pupils to interact across the language barrier. The programme of the exchange needs to also include at least two activities related to language learning or Swiss culture. 

Further information

Further options

Similar funding opportunities

  • Individual exchange during the school year

    Pupils live in another language region of Switzerland or abroad for up to a year and attend school there.

  • Exchange for VET learners

    An internship in Ireland or Geneva or apprenticeship project in China? VET students/apprentices and graduates can gain work experience abroad or in another language region of Switzerland during or shortly after their apprenticeship. In any case, an enrichment for the CV.