Higher education

Movetia offers numerous opportunities to implement mobility and cooperation projects within universities, universities of applied arts and sciences, universities of teacher education and professional colleges.

Who can take advantage of these? Students, young graduates, the academic profession, administrative staff and tertiary-level education institutions.

Moving out of your comfort zone by doing a mobility exchange or taking a different perspective within the framework of a cooperation project in partnership with other institutions is a very rewarding experience.

Through our programmes, we encourage the creation of synergies between Swiss higher education institutions and professional colleges, and between Europe and the rest of the world.


Internationale Mobilität an Höheren Fachschulen? Das geht!

Das Schweizer Mobilitätsprogramm trägt wesentlich zur Internationalisierung der Schweizer Bildungsinstitutionen auf Tertiärstufe bei. Höhere Fachschulen, die bereits teilnehmen, berichten über die grössten Vorteile und wie man mögliche Hürden überwindet.

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Tim rettet in seinem Auslandspraktikum in Guatemala Leben

In seiner Ausbildung zum Rettungssanitäter/in HF absolviert Tim ein zweimonatiges Praktikum bei den Bomberos de Santa Isabel. Sein Blogbeitrag schildert, wie er in Guatemala eine neue Perspektive auf seinen Beruf erhält und seine Fähigkeiten ausbaut.

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En séjour à Neuchâtel en pleine pandémie

Ils effectuent une année académique à l’Université de Neuchâtel en pleine pandémie de Covid-19. Comment ces étudiants étrangers vivent-ils leur expérience de mobilité, alors que les cours sont donnés en ligne?

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A joint effort to shape the school spaces of tomorrow

The design of educational spaces and school buildings is a real challenge for the schools of tomorrow. In this context, the University of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences in Northwestern Switzerland was able to develop the PULS+ project thanks to a cooperation with three European countries.  

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Studying abroad during the coronavirus crisis

Helena and Renato were confronted with the coronavirus pandemic during their semester abroad. Watch the video to find out how they tried to benefit from their stay abroad despite the adverse circumstances.

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International cooperation strengthens occupational therapy training

As part of a strategic partnership between six universities, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW participates in an innovative project for prospective occupational therapists in Switzerland and Europe. The aim is to improve the quality of training.

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How cooperation can overcome challenges

Global challenges affect us all. International cooperation projects can help to overcome them. A project in the social field at SUPSI attempts to solve a social problem with international cooperation.

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Exchange between universities from Madagascar and Switzerland

A cooperation project between the University of Lausanne and the University of Antananarivo enabled students in the UNIL's Master's degree programme in geography to put what they had learned into practice and gain field experience.

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Interview with President of swissuniversities

Michael Hengartner is President of the University of Zurich and President of swissuniversities. In the video he talks about his own exchange experiences, the «best time in the course studies». As preparation for a complex world, a stay abroad is one of the most valuable experiences students can have.

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Die Auslandserfahrung als Vorteil im Arbeitsmarkt

Aline Schmid und Flavio Keller haben während ihres Studiums beide ein Semester im Ausland verbracht. Die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen sehen sie als klares Plus in ihrem Lebenslauf. 

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Suitable funding opportunities

  • National exchange for prospective teachers

    Prospective teachers complete an exchange semester or a teaching internship in another language region of Switzerland.

  • Student exchange

    Students have the opportunity to spend time abroad during their studies. They can choose to do an exchange semester at another university or gain work experience with a traineeship. Financial support is available both for studying and for working abroad.

  • Stays abroad for staff in higher education

    University employees can continue their education abroad by teaching, attending courses or participating in job shadowing programmes.

From the Magazine