Project implementation

The funding agreement between the project sponsors and Movetia regulates all framework conditions for project implementation. The guide (German) provides practical information on the implementation of the project as well as a checklist with 30 questions (p.24/25).

Which steps are important for the implementation of an exchange activity?

  • Definition of objectives, responsibilities and impact assessment: Define the objectives of the project and the individual exchange activities with all project-relevant parnter institutions. At the same time, clarify which measures you want to takte to check the defined goals. For this purpose, discuss the related steps in the project implementation and the responsibilites. 
  • Select and prepare the participants: Make the necessary arrangements with the selected participants by defining the framework conditions of the exchange activity and the learning and working objectives. Prepare the participants in terms of content.
    Movetia runs free thematic workshops for interculural learning. If you are interested, please contact the VET team.
  • Organisational preparation: Make all necessary organisational preparations regarding outward and return travel, accomodation, insurance, visas, emergencies, etc.
    For more environmentally friendly mobilities, the Greener Mobility Kit is avaiable with a collection of tips and tricks for more sustainable travel and action. 
  • Monitoring of participants and exchange activities: Define in advance an appropriate way to monitor the learning and work of the participants during and after the mobility. Ensure an overview of participants, finances and receipts at all times. The MyMobilities tool mentioned below will help you with this.
  • Issue of a recognition to the participant: It is of key importance for the mobility participants that their participation in the exchange activity and the aquired learning and work content are made visible, which is why the issuing of an individual written confirmation by the porject coordinator in the form of a certificate, a work confirmation or a work reference is a prerequisite.
  • Changes in the project: If aspects relevant to the contract change during the project implementation (contract duration, contact person, contract person, parnter institution or consortium parnter) these must be reported to Movetia in writing.

How is the reporting done in the mobility project?

  • Project-relevant documents: Various documents are available for quality assurance in the project. Some are optional auxiliary documents, others are considered mobility proofs and are part of the reporting / final report and therefore have to be considered in the project implementation.
    The documents and their use can be found with a direct link in the overview Project Management.
    All documents are also available in the right column under the title "Documents: Project Management". 
  • MyMobilities: MyMobilities is an online management tool for the administration of mobilities and financial management in the project. Document all planned and implemented mobilities in this central project tool, which is part of the reporting.
    The second budget tranche must also be applied for via this project tool.

How is the reporting/final report done?

After the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the mobilities, the project as a whole must be evaluated, made visible and concluded. 

  • Final report: A final report with an evaluation of the mobility project must be submitted via MyMovetia no later than 60 days after the contract period. Movetia will check the submitted final report for formal, content-related and financial criteria.
    An interim report ist only to be submitted if this was so noted in the funding contract. 
  • Dissemination of project: The results and products of the funded projects should be shared as widely as possible and made available to other actors in the education system. In publications and reports related to the project, reference shold be made to Movetia's funding.
    Movetia will be happy to disseminate your information (website, social media).
    To do this, send us your ideas and report to:
    You can find the Movetia logo, text modules and our social media details on the page "Report on projects".

Project continuation and community

With the implementation of a first mobility project, ideas for a project continuation often arise. Develop further mobility or cooperation projects and submit new applications in VET or other educational levels.
Inspired Teaching also offers financial support to further implement results from exchange activities at your own institution.

Various formats are available for networking beyond the mobility project: