Movetia - Exchange and mobility

Movetia is the national agency for the promotion of exchanges and mobility in the education system. Be it within Switzerland, with other European countries or elsewhere in the world, Movetia encourages and supports exchange, mobility and cooperation activities in the different sectors of education, ranging from primary school through adult education to university level, as well as promoting extracurricular activities. You are sure to find an offer that meets your needs or the advice you are looking for!


European Universities: More than half of the Swiss universities are now involved!

The European Union has selected a further 14 projects for funding - including three projects with Swiss partner universities. The next step is to set the course for the future in Switzerland: an association with to the Erasmus+ programme would give Swiss institutions unrestricted access to the initiative.

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Annual event Higher Education

In 2024, the Higher Education sector event is back! The team is looking forward to bringing together all those involved in mobility and cooperation between higher education institutions to exchange ideas, get inspired and network.

EAIE elections - Vote for the Swiss candidates

The European Association for International Education (EAIE), one of the most influential players in the internationalisation of higher education, is reorganising its structure and introducing new focus groups in the form of thematic committees, among other things. The consultation for the election of the new members is now open. Vote now for Maria Stergiou and Robert Buttery, the Swiss candidates.

Nationalratskommission empfiehlt Eintreten auf Movetia-Gesetz

Die Kommission für Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kultur des Nationalrates ist am Freitag auf das Movetia-Gesetz eingetreten, mit 16 zu 8 Stimmen. Der Entwurf des Bundesrates will die nationale Agentur zur Förderung von Austausch und Mobilität in eine autonome öffentlich-rechtliche Anstalt umwandeln. Eine Diskussion der einzelnen Artikel wird nächstens geführt.

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Movetia provides information four times a year on current topics relating to exchange and mobility: reports from projects, news from politics and science and information on events alternate with information from Movetia. Here you can find the current issue and the entire archive. Subscribe to the newsletter here: