In this article, we take a closer look at the University of Basel's participation in EPICUR through Eucor - European universities are reshaping the higher education landscape by strategically strengthening international cooperation in teaching and research and promoting student mobility. In a four-part series, we show how these alliances are driving innovative learning and mobility formats.
Focusing on the University of Lausanne's involvement in CIVIS, we explore how European Universities are transforming higher education by fostering strategic international collaboration in education and research while advancing student mobility. In this four-part series, we highlight how these alliances are promoting innovative educational offers and mobility formats.
In this article, we focus on the engagement of ETH Zurich in the ENHANCE Alliance - European Universities are transforming the landscape of higher education by fostering strategic international collaboration in education and research while advancing student mobility. In a four-part series, we explore how these alliances are promoting innovative educational offers and mobility formats.
European Universities are transforming the landscape of higher education by fostering strategic international collaboration in education and research while advancing student mobility. In a four-part series, we explore how the alliances are promoting innovative educational offers and mobility formats. In this article, we focus on the involvement of the University of Zurich in Una Europa.
Eine nationale Kampagne motiviert für Auslandssemester
Movetia hat sich mit mehr als 30 Schweizer Hochschulen zusammengeschlossen, um Studierende für den Mehrwert eines Austauschsemesters oder eines Praktikums im Ausland zu sensibilisieren. Der Startschuss für diese nationale Kampagne fällt am Dienstag, 29. Oktober – die Kampagne läuft den ganzen November. Mehrere Rektorinnen und Rektoren von Bildungsinstitutionen in der Schweiz betonen die Bedeutung von Auslandsaufenthalten während der Ausbildung.
The European Association for International Education (EAIE) published this year the third edition of the EAIE Barometer. Representatives from Switzerland also took part in the evaluation. Here's a closer look at the key areas.
European Universities: More than half of the Swiss universities are now involved!
The European Union has selected a further 14 projects for funding - including three projects with Swiss partner universities. The next step is to set the course for the future in Switzerland: an association with to the Erasmus+ programme would give Swiss institutions unrestricted access to the initiative.
The European Association for International Education (EAIE), one of the most influential players in the internationalisation of higher education, is reorganising its structure and introducing new focus groups in the form of thematic committees, among other things. The consultation for the election of the new members is now open. Vote now for Maria Stergiou and Robert Buttery, the Swiss candidates.
International cooperation between universities through COIL
The digital transformation requires agile approaches and research into innovative teaching methods at universities. One of the most popular of these in recent years is COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning). COIL is an online learning environment in which two or more universities from a different country deliver a course together. The shared curriculum and relatively simple technologies allow students to engage in intercultural exchange. These courses can be a way of getting students interested in studying abroad. But they also have other advantages.
The European Space Agency (ESA) has worked closely with Switzerland to improve the number of Swiss students applying to ESA internships. The result: an 173 % increase of Swiss applicants was reached in the last year. The campaign of Space Exchange Switzerland (SXS) for internships is an insightful example on how mobility grants can be used to foster Swiss talent in the field of space.
European collaborations have a strong influence on the reputation of Swiss universities
The reputation of Swiss universities depends, among other things, on European cooperation. This is the conclusion reached by participating universities and other institutions. Cooperation promotes the exchange of expertise, intercultural understanding and strengthen competitiveness.
Mobility Days raise awareness for Student Mobility
Testimonials, a poster corner and a silent party are intended to sensitise students to the benefits of an experience abroad. The Mobility Days concept took place for the first time at three universities in three language regions of Switzerland.
Movetia unterzeichnet Absichtserklärung im Rahmen von Frankreichs Staatsbesuch
Eine engere Zusammenarbeit und mehr Austausch mit französischen Hochschulen: in Anwesenheit von Präsident Emmanuel Macron und Bundespräsident Alain Berset hat Movetia eine entsprechende Absichtserklärung mit Campus France unterzeichnet.
Stronger cooperation with Norway's higher vocational education system
Increased cooperation could help to make complementary use of the strengths of the nationally very differently structured higher vocational education. A meeting between the two institutions enabled an exchange on the Norwegian and Swiss systems.
The academic semester has begun and many local and international students discover the lecture halls, campus activities and student clubs. However, these two student groups hardly ever mix. Shuffle proposes a way of changing things on the campus of the University of Fribourg.
Lecturers exchange views on current educational topics and promote the international transfer of knowledge. This counteracts the declining mobility of lecturers. This is made possible by a further education module organised by the University of Geneva and Movetia.
Swiss higher education institutions in the Erasmus+ “European universities”
Swiss higher education institutions were admitted to participate in Erasmus+ "European Higher Education" projects for the first time in 2022. In total, 12 Swiss higher education institutions now participate in Erasmus+ funded alliances. This corresponds to more than half of the universities and universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. All Swiss higher education institutions involved in these projects were also successful with their applications for Swiss funding.
Try something innovative to facilitate your international mobility!
Be the first to test the new app and get a free license of Shuffle - the innovative app using an innovative digital approach to bring together local and international students on Swiss higher education campuses.
Schweizer Hochschulen gestalten ihre Zukunft europäisch
Mit fünf weiteren Projekten beteiligen sich nun insgesamt neun Schweizer Hochschulen sich an einer Europäischen Hochschulallianz. Damit gestalten sie den Europäischen Hochschul- und Forschungsraum aktiv mit. Ein Engagement auf Augenhöhe mit den europäischen Partnerinnen ist das Ziel.
The national agencies from Poland and Switzerland in dialogue
As part of a trip to Europe, six employees from the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA visited their Swiss colleagues. The result was a lively exchange on the range of mobility and cooperation programmes in the higher education sector.
Major differences in mobility opportunities for Swiss students
Only one in nine higher education institutions meets Switzerland's international and national mobility targets. The institutional framework plays a significant role in students’ decisions about mobility. This is one of the conclusions reached by Switzerland’s first internationalisation index, published by the national agency Movetia.
At the International Relations Day, the guests developed six findings to strengthen the promotion of mobilities and collaborations. With more than 170 participants, the event organised by the Higher Education and Professional Education and Training team was a complete success.
Internationale Mobilität an Höheren Fachschulen? Das geht!
Das Schweizer Mobilitätsprogramm trägt wesentlich zur Internationalisierung der Schweizer Bildungsinstitutionen auf Tertiärstufe bei. Höhere Fachschulen, die bereits teilnehmen, berichten über die grössten Vorteile und wie man mögliche Hürden überwindet.
Tim rettet in seinem Auslandspraktikum in Guatemala Leben
In seiner Ausbildung zum Rettungssanitäter/in HF absolviert Tim ein zweimonatiges Praktikum bei den Bomberos de Santa Isabel. Sein Blogbeitrag schildert, wie er in Guatemala eine neue Perspektive auf seinen Beruf erhält und seine Fähigkeiten ausbaut.
4 Swiss universities participate in European alliances
This year, Swiss universities were admitted to the Erasmus+ project "European Universities" for the first time. This gives them the opportunity to help shape the European Higher Education Area. Four projects with Swiss participation were selected for funding at EU level.
Looking for inspiration to boost international mobility in your institution? We present some of the projects developed by the higher education institutions to encourage their students and staff to get started.
New perspectives on International Relations Day 2022
The annual event of the Higher Education division took place on 18 January. It provided an opportunity to answer the questions of the hundred or so participants about Call 2022 and to present a few new developments.
We are supporting two teams working on the development of innovative projects for international students in Switzerland. One uses artificial intelligence and the other the principle of gamification to offer new means of communication.
Initiatives for more environmentally friendly mobility continue to gain momentum. Universities are trying to reduce their emissions, while European railway companies are expanding their environmentally friendly services. An overview.
Digitalisation of Erasmus+: what about Switzerland?
The Erasmus+ administrative process is being digitalised in view of the implementation of the European Student Card initiative. This mammoth project involves implementing a network and digital tools. How does it work and can Switzerland become part of this network?
First training module launched for university staff
SUCTI stands for «Systemic University Change Towards Internationalisation» and aims to strengthen the internationalisation of Swiss university staff. The first training course took place at the end of June 2021 with 17 participants. The guests were provided with knowledge about the internationalisation process.
Ils effectuent une année académique à l’Université de Neuchâtel en pleine pandémie de Covid-19. Comment ces étudiants étrangers vivent-ils leur expérience de mobilité, alors que les cours sont donnés en ligne?
Swissuniversities calls for reassociation with Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is of central importance for future cooperation in the European Higher Education Area and cannot be adequately replaced by an alternative Swiss solution. This is why swissuniversities is calling on the Federal Council to secure the participation of Swiss universities in Erasmus+ 2021-27.
International Relations Day takes place for the first time
Around 137 participants were informed about updates to the funding programmes at the annual event organised by the Higher Education and Professional Education division. Despite being held digitally, it was an active event where guests received answers to their questions.
How can universities and universities of applied sciences reduce their CO2 emissions during mobilities? Our toolkit gives you tips on how your students or employees can travel to their exchange destination in a more environmentally friendly way.
A joint effort to shape the school spaces of tomorrow
The design of educational spaces and school buildings is a real challenge for the schools of tomorrow. In this context, the University of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences in Northwestern Switzerland was able to develop the PULS+ project thanks to a cooperation with three European countries.
Helena and Renato were confronted with the coronavirus pandemic during their semester abroad. Watch the video to find out how they tried to benefit from their stay abroad despite the adverse circumstances.
International cooperation strengthens occupational therapy training
As part of a strategic partnership between six universities, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW participates in an innovative project for prospective occupational therapists in Switzerland and Europe. The aim is to improve the quality of training.
Virtual mobility is presently on everyone's lips. Especially in view of current topics such as inclusion, sustainability, rising mobility figures and corona. This is why the European Association for international Education EAIE dedicated its latest community webcast to this topical subject.
A new study by the Association of International Educators NAFSA shows the trends of Swiss students in terms of mobility. It concludes that the number of periods spent abroad in countries outside Europe is steadily increasing.
Global challenges affect us all. International cooperation projects can help to overcome them. A project in the social field at SUPSI attempts to solve a social problem with international cooperation.
Exchange between universities from Madagascar and Switzerland
A cooperation project between the University of Lausanne and the University of Antananarivo enabled students in the UNIL's Master's degree programme in geography to put what they had learned into practice and gain field experience.
Michael Hengartner is President of the University of Zurich and President of swissuniversities. In the video he talks about his own exchange experiences, the «best time in the course studies». As preparation for a complex world, a stay abroad is one of the most valuable experiences students can have.
17 universities from the EU selected for alliances
The European Commission has announced which European universities will be part of the first «European Universities» alliances. This is an important step in the development of the European Education Area. Swiss universities cannot participate in Erasmus+ due to their non-association.
Aline Schmid und Flavio Keller haben während ihres Studiums beide ein Semester im Ausland verbracht. Die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen sehen sie als klares Plus in ihrem Lebenslauf.
Erasmus+ is one of the EU's most successful programmes. It supports students spending a semester abroad. Watch the video to find out how student mobility has changed and become easier and what experiences participants have had.