Initiatives for more environmentally friendly mobility continue to gain momentum. Universities are trying to reduce their emissions, while European railway companies are expanding their environmentally friendly services. An overview.
How can universities and universities of applied sciences reduce their CO2 emissions during mobilities? Our toolkit gives you tips on how your students or employees can travel to their exchange destination in a more environmentally friendly way.
How can the number of international mobility opportunities be increased while reducing the resulting environmental footprint? By creating the handy “Greener Mobility best practices: Let’s get inspired!” document, Movetia wanted to examine the issue of more environmentally-friendly mobility in the higher education sphere. This publication presents a number of “green” ideas to be developed at policy level, best practices to be adopted in higher education institutions throughout Switzerland and Europe and considerations to be taken into account by beneficiaries.
Projektträgerin zeigt, wie grüne Mobilität funktioniert
Die Stiftung SILVIVA geht mit gutem Beispiel voran. Sind Reisen aufgrund von Weiterbildungsprojekten nötig, so wird auf das Flugzeug verzichtet und stattdessen auf den Zug gesetzt. Die zusätzliche Zeit wird genutzt, um an gemeinsamen Projekten zu arbeiten.