Switzerland could be rejoining Erasmus+ by 2027. At least this is what the Federal Council wants. Our news ticker informs you about the key stages in the reassociation process, which would strengthen cooperation with the European Union in the field of exchange and mobility.
Die Schweiz könnte sich 2027 Erasmus+ wieder anschliessen
Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung am 6. November den Grundsatzentscheid für die Beteiligung an Erasmus+ getroffen. Er wird dem Parlament den entsprechenden Finanzierungsbeschluss im Rahmen der Botschaft zum Gesamtpaket über die Verhandlungen mit der EU unterbreiten. Damit könnte die Schweiz 2027 dem europäischen Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ wieder beitreten.
Switzerland - Erasmus+: symbolic engagement on the Bundesplatz
On Friday 9 February, several student associations gathered on the Bundesplatz in Bern. Their aim: to mark the 10th anniversary of Switzerland's exclusion from the European exchange programme Erasmus+, following the acceptationof the initiative against mass immigration. After speaking in public, the organisers held a symbolic engagement ceremony between Switzerland and Erasmus+. They called on the Federal Council to press ahead with negotiations with the EU in the perspective of a re-association to the mobility programme.
As of 2023, Movetia will be supporting mobility worldwide, not just in Switzerland and Europe. This geographical opening up is in line with a political objective and with the logical development of Movetia’s activities. Following the expansion of cooperation projects, it is now time to broaden the scope of Movetia’s international activities. The new legal bases will offer more opportunities for exchange and mobility and will contribute to the development and quality of the Swiss education system.
Switzerland benefits from an association with Erasmus+
There is no shortage of arguments in favour of Swiss re-association with Erasmus+. This is shown, among other things, by a report on the so-called Workshops+ that took place on six half-days at the beginning of the summer.
Movetia unterstützt die VIZBM – mit einigen Präzisierungen
Ein möglichst baldiges Inkrafttreten der Totalrevision der Verordnung über die internationale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Bildung, der Berufsbildung, der Jugend und der Mobilitätsförderung (VIZBM) ist unerlässlich. Allerdings sollten einige Bestimmungen angepasst oder ausgebaut werden.
Digitalisation of Erasmus+: what about Switzerland?
The Erasmus+ administrative process is being digitalised in view of the implementation of the European Student Card initiative. This mammoth project involves implementing a network and digital tools. How does it work and can Switzerland become part of this network?
Swiss actors demonstrate the fact that international mobility and cooperation activities in the Swiss educational sector can be significantly increased in their respective sectors. The challenge does not frighten them, even though support measures are necessary.
Switzerland lags behind in Erasmus+ cooperation programmes
Cross-border cooperation projects promote innovation and the exchange of best practices. A comparison in figures shows that Switzerland has benefited much less from these than Austria in recent years. A direct effect of non-participation in the Erasmus+ programme.
Mit einer vollständigen Beteiligung am neuen europäischen Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ werden die Schweiz und ihr Bildungssystem dessen Vorteile in vollem Umfang nutzen können. Die Kantone unterstützen den Bundesrat in seiner Absicht, Verhandlungen mit der Europäischen Union (EU) aufzunehmen.
Swissuniversities calls for reassociation with Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is of central importance for future cooperation in the European Higher Education Area and cannot be adequately replaced by an alternative Swiss solution. This is why swissuniversities is calling on the Federal Council to secure the participation of Swiss universities in Erasmus+ 2021-27.
International Relations Day takes place for the first time
Around 137 participants were informed about updates to the funding programmes at the annual event organised by the Higher Education and Professional Education division. Despite being held digitally, it was an active event where guests received answers to their questions.
Population finds access to Erasmus+ and Horizon important
According to a survey by the gfs.bern institute, 88% of Swiss voters believe that Switzerland's access to Erasmus+ and Horizon is an important argument in favour of the bilateral agreements with the EU. Non-association harbours the risk of isolation for the Swiss education sector.
Die Aussenpolitische Kommission des Nationalrats (APK-N) hat den Bundesrat beauftragt, die drei Verhandlungsmandate zur Teilnahme am EU-Bildungsprogramm «Erasmus+», dem EU-Forschungsprogramm «Horizon Europe» und dem EU-Kulturprogramm «Creative Europe» für die Periode 2021–2027 vorzulegen.
Evaluation of the current Swiss Erasmus+ programme
Switzerland has not been associated with Erasmus+ since 2014. However, the EU education programme represents an opportunity for universities as well as for vocational and school education. Over three issues, we assess and highlight the prospects for each of these areas.
ETH Board in favour of full association with Erasmus+
At a meeting on education and research policy issues, the ETH Board spoke out in favour of Switzerland's full association with Erasmus+. It is convinced that the benefits for Swiss universities outweigh any additional costs.
Erasmus+ is one of the EU's most successful programmes. It supports students spending a semester abroad. Watch the video to find out how student mobility has changed and become easier and what experiences participants have had.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, swissuniversities is making a plea for Switzerland's re-association with the programme. Switzerland lost its status as a programme country in 2014 with the adoption of the immigration initiative and has since participated indirectly via the Erasmus+ transitional solution.