Movetia launches the 2025 application year for international mobilities and cooperations
Project applications for the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ 2025 can be submitted with immediate effect. We look forward to further strengthening the Swiss education system and promoting relevant networks with international mobilities and cooperation projects.
Gefällt Ihnen die Idee, Ihren Schüler:innen , Lernenden oder Ihrem Personal einen Auslandsaufenthalt zu ermöglichen? Stellen Sie jetzt Ihren Antrag und stürzen Sie sich in das Abenteuer.
International exchange projects got off to a successful start
Dal job shadowing in Finlandia al progetto tematico sull'acqua a Creta: l'avventura è iniziata per 29 entusiasmanti progetti di scambio nel campo dell'istruzione scolastica. I/le nuovi organizzatori/trici dei progetti hanno ricevuto le risposte alle loro domande più importanti durante l'evento di avvio.
Movetia launches funding programmes for international cooperation
Collaborations strengthen the international networking of Swiss educational institutions and ensure the quality of our education system. Movetia launches the 2024 funding programmes for cooperation with international partner institutions and organizations from the global education area.
Movetia launches its funding programmes for international cooperation in 2024
Benefit from a total of CHF 46.2 million in funding available in 2024. No matter whether you want to organise a semester abroad at universities or international network meetings: All levels of education receive support!