Plea for a re-association with Erasmus+

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, swissuniversities is making a plea for Switzerland's re-association with the programme. Switzerland lost its status as a programme country in 2014 with the adoption of the immigration initiative and has since participated indirectly via the Erasmus+ transitional solution.

Logo of swissuniversities

swissuniversities is calling for negotiations with the European Commission to be resumed in order to find innovative solutions for a re-association of Switzerland. It sees the temporary solution for Erasmus+ as bringing with it a number of serious restrictions for Swiss universities and higher education institutions. They are continually losing visibility and influence within the international university landscape.

On the topic

  • Die Schweiz könnte sich 2027 Erasmus+ wieder anschliessen

    Die Schweiz könnte sich 2027 Erasmus+ wieder anschliessen

    Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung am 6. November den Grundsatzentscheid für die Beteiligung an Erasmus+ getroffen. Er wird dem Parlament den entsprechenden Finanzierungsbeschluss im Rahmen der Botschaft zum Gesamtpaket über die Verhandlungen mit der EU unterbreiten. Damit könnte die Schweiz 2027 dem europäischen Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ wieder beitreten. 

  • Switzerland - Erasmus+: symbolic engagement on the Bundesplatz

    Switzerland - Erasmus+: symbolic engagement on the Bundesplatz

    On Friday 9 February, several student associations gathered on the Bundesplatz in Bern. Their aim: to mark the 10th anniversary of Switzerland's exclusion from the European exchange programme Erasmus+, following the acceptationof the initiative against mass immigration. After speaking in public, the organisers held a symbolic engagement ceremony between Switzerland and Erasmus+. They called on the Federal Council to press ahead with negotiations with the EU in the perspective of a re-association to the mobility programme.

  • Mobility is now opening up to the whole world

    Mobility is now opening up to the whole world

    As of 2023, Movetia will be supporting mobility worldwide, not just in Switzerland and Europe. This geographical opening up is in line with a political objective and with the logical development of Movetia’s activities. Following the expansion of cooperation projects, it is now time to broaden the scope of Movetia’s international activities. The new legal bases will offer more opportunities for exchange and mobility and will contribute to the development and quality of the Swiss education system.