Movetia welcomes EU ambassador to Switzerland
On Monday, Petros Mavromichalis, the EU Ambassador to Switzerland, paid a visit to the National Agency for Exchange and Mobility. The focus of the visit was on the presentation of the agency as well as on the activities and projects with EU countries that Movetia manages.
Movetia had the opportunity to present its activities to EU Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis on Monday. Of particular interest were the projects that are carried out between EU- and Erasmus+ - countries and Switzerland. These are mostly projects related to student mobility, but also projects in the field of school education, vocational training and youth work. The ambassador had the opportunity to get an overview of Movetia's educational and extracurricular sectors and to discuss them with staff members.
Cooperation with potential
Petros Mavromichalis is pleased with the number and variety of projects that link actors from the EU and Switzerland. After all, the intensity of cooperation is high: 60% of the collaborations between Swiss universities take place within Europe. In recent years, a solid link has been established between the EU and Switzerland, which is to be continually expanded. After all, the potential of cooperation has not yet been exhausted.