Movetia launches the 2025 application year for international mobilities and cooperations

Project applications for the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ 2025 can be submitted with immediate effect. We look forward to further strengthening the Swiss education system and promoting relevant networks with international mobilities and cooperation projects.

Swiss Programme for Erasmus+

The federal government will continue to provide funding for international mobility projects and cooperations through the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ in 2025. As usual, educational institutions or organisations based in Switzerland, which are involved in vocational education and training, adult education, higher education, school education, or youth work can submit project applications. At least one international partner institution or organisation must be involved in the project implementation. It can be based in a European country or outside of Europe.

The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ supports exchanges and cooperations in Europe and worldwide. The projects are an enrichment for the Swiss education system and the project partners involved and help to ensure that international exchanges and cooperations become part of the Swiss education culture. For example, while cooperations offer the opportunity to form networks and promote the exchange of knowledge and experience using innovative methodologies, mobilities allow individuals who take part in an exchange project to develop their personal and professional skills.

International mobility projects

Funding opportunities for international mobilities remain unchanged in most educational sectors compared to the previous year, i.e. the mobility options for school education, adult education, higher education, and youth work are the same as in the previous year. The only change applies to vocational education and training: Movetia now supports language preparation for all languages with a flat-rate contribution.

There are now guidelines available for all international mobility funding opportunities. They present the funding criteria and the administrative process of a project and also contain information on the documentation of the project activities. School education, vocational education and training, adult education, youth work, and higher education each provide a separate guideline document, which you can find on the website in the relevant funding opportunity category and on the new application platform (see below). 

International cooperations

As in previous years, an institution based in Switzerland can submit a funding application in the call 2025 for the participation in an Erasmus+ cooperation project or for the implementation of a self-initiated project that it implements with at least one international partner institution.

In 2025, participation in an Erasmus+ project in the "Cooperation Partnerships", "Alliance for innovation", "Centres of vocational excellence" or "Forward-looking projects" funding lines will only be possible as an "associated partner". Erasmus+ has severely restricted participation as an "official partner", and this option is therefore no longer available to institutions based in Switzerland. Institutions based in Switzerland cannot apply for EU funding and must apply for their associated participation via Movetia through the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+. 

In the case of funding via the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+, Movetia will cover up to 60% of the costs of Swiss participation if the funding decision is positive. However, it should be noted that the contribution applied for must be proportionate to the EU project. Further information can be found in the advisory article "Swiss Programme for Erasmus+".

No new Erasmus+ “European Universities” will be funded in 2025.


Erasmus+ also offers funding opportunities for 2025 under the Erasmus Mundus Action and the Jean Monnet Actions in the division of higher education, which are open to institutions all over the world. Swiss projects are not funded by the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+, but institutions based in Switzerland can apply for funding directly from Erasmus+. Further information can be found in the current Erasmus+ programme guide here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in these funding lines.

Cooperations coordinated by Swiss institutions (International Programme)

The coordination of Erasmus+ cooperation projects is not possible for institutions based in Switzerland, which is why Movetia supports projects that are coordinated by Swiss institutions and implemented with partner institutions from all over the world via the International Programme. The International Programme supports projects in which the applicant institution based in Switzerland and an institution abroad realise a cooperation project. Funding is provided for up to two years, and funding amounts range between 15’000 CHF and 150’000 CHF (with the exception of projects that aim to achieve an impact in higher education and training, with a range of funding amounts of 15’000 CHF, 30’000 CHF or 60’000 CHF). The international programme is intended to be a low-threshold offer for all types of institution, including institutions with little experience in international education cooperation or institutions that are just building up their international network.

Find out more about the cooperations coordinated by Swiss institutions.

New platform for submitting applications

From the application year 2025 onwards all funding applications and their implementation will be processed via a new platform. The project managers will submit the funding application and complete all administrative steps in their login area on this platform. All project-specific documents that are relevant after the application has been submitted are also stored on this platform and are available as templates. Documents relating to past but ongoing application years can be found in the consultation area of the website.

This is how the application process works on the new website with the new platform:

Swissnex offers support for exchange projects outside of Europe

The six main Swissnex locations are located in the USA (Boston and San Francisco), China, Japan, Brazil, and India, offering interesting opportunities for cooperation and exchange for Swiss educational institutions.

The support provided by Swissnex is available to stakeholders across all levels of education. Whether you are developing a project idea, looking for a partner institution, need information about a specific education system, or require help navigating cultural or practical challenges, the Swissnex locations are here to help.  

Further information

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