Movetia launches funding programmes for international cooperation
Collaborations strengthen the international networking of Swiss educational institutions and ensure the quality of our education system. Movetia launches the 2024 funding programmes for cooperation with international partner institutions and organizations from the global education area.

As in previous years, a Swiss institution can submit a funding application in the 2024 call for projects for participation in an Erasmus+ cooperation project or for the implementation of a self-initiated project that it wants to carry out with at least one international institution.
Swiss Programme for Erasmus+
In 2024, participation in an Erasmus+ project in the «Cooperation Partnership», «Innovation Alliance» or «Centres of Vocational Excellence» funding lines is still possible for a Swiss educational institution in two ways: either in «Official Partner» status, in which case it applies for funding via the EU funding application to Erasmus+, or in «Associated Partner» status (without applying for EU funding), with the option for the Swiss institution to apply for its share via Movetia to the Swiss Erasmus+ programme.
In the case of funding via the Swiss Erasmus+ programme, Movetia will cover up to 60% of the costs of Swiss participation if the funding decision is positive. Please note, however, that the contribution applied for must be proportionate to the EU project.
As in 2023, Movetia will again be funding Swiss participation in Erasmus+ «European Universities» in 2024. Around 15 new alliances are to be funded across Europe in the coming year. Further information on the Swiss call can be found on the Movetia website for «European Universities».
No forward-looking projects will be funded at European level in 2024.
In 2024, funding is again planned for various "European policy experimentation" projects under Key Action 3 in all levels of education (except youth work), including on topics such as digital education, women in GreenTech, sustainability skills, etc.
Swiss institutions can participate in projects as associated partners. If you are interested in participating, please contact Movetia for potential funding opportunities.
Erasmus+ also offers funding opportunities under the Erasmus Mundus Action and the Jean Monnet Actions in the field of higher education, which are open to institutions all over the world. Swiss projects are not funded by the Swiss Erasmus+ programme, but Swiss institutions can apply for funding directly from Erasmus+. Further information can be found in the current Erasmus+ programme guide here.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in these funding lines.
Movetia International Programme
The coordination of Erasmus+ cooperation projects is not possible for Swiss institutions, which is why Movetia supports projects under Swiss management and implemented with partner institutions from all over the world via the International Programme. The International Programme supports projects in which the applicant Swiss institution and a foreign institution carry out a cooperation project, provides funding for up to two years and awards grants of between CHF 15,000 and CHF 150,000 (except for projects that aim to achieve an impact in higher education and higher vocational education and training: only CHF 15,000, CHF 30,000 or CHF 60,000). It is intended to be a low-threshold offer for all types of institution, including institutions with little experience in international education cooperation or institutions that are just starting to build up their international network.
Why international educational cooperation?
International cooperation projects enable institutions of school education, vocational education and training, tertiary education, adult education and extracurricular youth work to cooperate with partner institutions from Europe and around the world. Knowledge and experience are exchanged and innovative approaches to education are developed in international networks. The Swiss educational landscape also benefits from this. Together, the participating institutions develop innovative concepts, methods and instruments, exchange best practices and utilize synergies. This contributes to the quality development of the offers and the strengthening of international networks.
Preparatory visits
Movetia supports preparatory visits with lump sums of up to CHF 1200/person before the application is submitted. The contributions must be requested from us at least 1 month before the visit and make it possible to visit future international project partners and prepare project applications.