Mobility is now opening up to the whole world

As of 2023, Movetia will be supporting mobility worldwide, not just in Switzerland and Europe. This geographical opening up is in line with a political objective and with the logical development of Movetia’s activities. Following the expansion of cooperation projects, it is now time to broaden the scope of Movetia’s international activities. The new legal bases will offer more opportunities for exchange and mobility and will contribute to the development and quality of the Swiss education system.

Icon shows a globe circled by an arrow

Have you always dreamed of undertaking a mobility programme in Japan, continuing education in Canada, teaching in Argentina or an exchange in Marocco?

This is now possible thanks to the adoption by the federal council of the new ordinance on the federal law on international cooperation and mobility in education (BIZMB). Since 1 April 2022, international mobility and cooperation projects are governed by more flexible and dynamic regulations. From 2023 onwards, mobility projects supported by Movetia will thus be able to extend beyond the European Union. All sectors are concerned by this geographical opening, from schooling to university studies, vocational training, adult education and youth activities.

This new development fulfils a request from stakeholders in the field of training, i.e. institutions, organisations, associations, as well as those in politics, business and civil society. All of them participated in the consultation process for the 2021 ordinance.

A beneficial opening for the Swiss education system

This geographical opening is an opportunity to recall that international mobility projects are not only reserved for young people. They are also open to teachers, school principals and staff of training institutions. Mobility and cooperation projects help to develop human and professional skills such as autonomy, self-confidence, creativity, flexibility and communication, all of which are increasingly important in the labour market. Mobility and cooperation also benefit the development of the Swiss education system. The complete revision of the legal bases for international mobility and cooperation promotes the internationalisation of the Swiss education system.

It should be noted that this geographical opening will be possible as of 2023. More information and details will be available during the call for projects in November.

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