International exchange projects got off to a successful start
Dal job shadowing in Finlandia al progetto tematico sull'acqua a Creta: l'avventura è iniziata per 29 entusiasmanti progetti di scambio nel campo dell'istruzione scolastica. I/le nuovi organizzatori/trici dei progetti hanno ricevuto le risposte alle loro domande più importanti durante l'evento di avvio.

As in the spring call for international mobility projects in school education, Movetia was once again able to fund 29 high-quality exchange projects in the autumn call 2023. The funding programme for international mobilities continues to meet with great demand. The geographically and thematically broad range includes job shadowing, teaching activities and further training for teachers as well as class exchanges and individual pupil mobilities within and outside of Europe.
The information event organised by the school education team in Movetia's new offices in Berne took the new project leaders step by step through the various stages of a project, from implementation to documentation to communication measures. In addition to providing information, the event also served above all as a networking opportunity for project leaders and offered them the chance to present their projects to each other and thus gain insights into very different exchange settings.

Whether it was job shadowing with subsequent teaching activities as an English teacher at a primary school in Finland as part of a sabbatical, an exchange between a secondary school class in Valais and its partner class in Crete on the topic of water and sustainability, the participation of physics talents at Swiss high schools to the international "Young Physicists Tournament" in Budapest or the joint exploration of barrier-free public spaces by physically disabled youths in Berne and Munich: The participants in all the funded projects will overcome geographical, mental and cultural boundaries and inspire their school environment with their exchange experiences.