Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin opens the Movetia call for projects 2020 – submit exchange projects now!
During his visit to Movetia, Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin took the opportunity to gain an insight into the national agency´s work. Subsequently, the Minister of Education officially opened the call for projects 2020. Funds for mobility and cooperation projects in Europe can now be applied for.

As part of their joint strategy in 2017, the confederation and cantons formulated the vision of all young people participating in an exchange or mobility activity during their education or the transition to working life, in order to improve their language skills, their social and professional skills and hence their prospects on the job market. Movetia was commissioned with implementing this strategy. On 20 November, the Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economics Affairs, Education and Research EAER, visited Movetia in Solothurn and got an idea of the current and planned activities of the national agency for exchange and mobility.
A focus on education quality and networking
The Movetia staff provided the Federal Councillor with insights into various programmes and offers through project examples and demonstrated the wide range of opportunities for an exchange experience: from primary school to vocational training, youth work and tertiary education to adult education. What they all have in common is that participants feel empowered when returning to their daily lives. They have new expertise and improved language skills, but also new soft skills such as problem-solving, creativity and intercultural cooperation. But the institutions also benefit from the exchange with partners from abroad: they become acquainted with new methods and good practice, thereby reflecting upon and improving their own actions and strengthening their networking.
Education Minister Guy Parmelin expressed his satisfaction with the current development and the increasing number of exchanges: “Excellent education and good contacts throughout the world are two cornerstones of our prosperity. With its services and commitment, Movetia helps strengthen these basic principles.” Movetia Director Olivier Tschopp is delighted about the additional support that is to be expected with the new messages 2021-24 in the area of education, research and innovation as well as culture: “We are feeling the spirit of optimism in the economy and among educational institutions. With various exchange and cooperation projects, the actors are working on an attractive education location in Switzerland. Funding from the confederation and cantons comes just at the right time!”
Launch exchange and cooperation projects in Europe now!
To conclude his visit, Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin officially opened a call for projects for the Swiss Erasmus+ programme. Within this framework, organisations and institutions from school, vocational and adult education, tertiary education as well as extracurricular youth work can apply for financial funding for exchange and cooperation projects. The application deadlines vary depending on the offer and range between mid-February and the end of March. Detailed information on the programme and the exact application deadlines and forms can be found on our website: Swiss Erasmus+ Programme.