Exchange and mobility pick up speed in 2022

After two years of health crisis, exchange activities are on the upswing again and future developments are encouraging. These positive results are shown in Movetia's Annual Report 2022, which is now available online. The national agency responsible for promoting exchange, mobility and cooperation will continue its promotional efforts and continue to invest in the development of its programmes.

Cover image of the Movetia 2022 annual report

35'831: This is how many mobilities Movetia approved in 2022 - 22 % more than in the previous year. With 17'630 mobilities, the Swiss programme «Class Exchange» makes an important contribution to this pleasing result. This is a record for the national programme and means more than twice as many mobilities as a year earlier. The brand new programme «National exchange in VET» also had a very successful start: already in its first year, more than 200 mobilities have been approved in all national languages. At the tertiary level, the number of mobility projects is steadily increasing, while the funds available are decreasing. «It is a challenge we are facing for the first time. Demand far exceeds the funds available, good projects cannot be supported or are severely cut», says Olivier Tschopp, Director of Movetia. The President of the Foundation Board, Joseph Widmer, adds: «The 2022 figures are encouraging after two years of health crisis. Providing financial resources that keep pace with the increasing demand for the period 2025-2028 would be a great signal for all parties involved. The future is crucial for exchange and mobility as well as for Movetia. As part of the Movetia Act, which is currently in the consultation phase, the national agency is to be transformed into an institution under public law.»

Activities to promote exchanges and mobilities in 2023

The year 2022 marks the end of a geographical limitation of Movetia's activities: as of 2023, exchanges and collaborations are no longer limited to Europe. With the entry into force of the Law on International Cooperation and Mobility in Education (ICMBG), Movetia will be able to support projects all over the world from 2023. The «Learning by going» communication campaign will continue in 2023 to motivate people to go on an exchange themselves or to organise one, thus leaving comfort zones and discovering new horizons Several events will enable Movetia to promote exchange and mobility activities: in particular on the occasion of the first national exchange week, which will be organised as part of the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution from 13 to 17 November, on the occasion of Swissdidac (21-23 November) or at the «Mobility Days», which will be organised in cooperation with universities and will take place in 2023.

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