Digitalisation of Erasmus+: what about Switzerland?

The Erasmus+ administrative process is being digitalised in view of the implementation of the European Student Card initiative. This mammoth project involves implementing a network and digital tools. How does it work and can Switzerland become part of this network?

Illustration of the Erasmus+ digitalisation initiative

The European Student Card Initiative brings together several European projects, three of which are central:

  1. Erasmus Without Paper (EWP)
  2. The European Student Identifier (ESI) from the MyAcademicID project
  3. The Erasmus+ app

These three projects are interconnected and create an information hub between European students, home and host institutions. The initiative is helping to create a European digital education space. Currently, it only addresses student mobility. 

Current situation for Switzerland

So far, Swiss institutions have been able to connect to EWP and test the tools. However, Movetia cannot guarantee, due to the changeover to the new programme generation 2021-27 (for example with the new Erasmus Charter for higher education), to what extent Swiss institutions will have access to the services or whether it will be (partially) blocked in the future.

Different scenarios and developments to be considered:

  • If associated to Erasmus+, Switzerland will have full access to the ESCI tools and services.
  • A partial opening of the tools and services for countries not associated to Erasmus+ is planned. When this will be implemented is not yet known and is not considered a priority.
  • Status quo: Swiss institutions are granted provisional access to certain areas. However, this access can also be revoked. 

As soon as more information is available, Movetia will update this factsheet.

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