
Young adults can actively support a non-profit project in a field of their choice in Switzerland or Europe. This enriching experience abroad allows them to develop on many levels and make a positive contribution to society.

What it's all about

European volunteering offers young adults the opportunity to support a non-profit project abroad in the social, cultural, or health sector. All host organisations meet quality standards for hosting volunteers. Individuals residing in Switzerland can volunteer in Europe or in a neighboring partner country, while those from these countries can volunteer in Switzerland. We provide financial support for their commitment.

  • For young adults aged 18 and 30

  • Volunteering from 2 weeks to 12 months

  • In Switzerland for residents of Europe or a neighbouring partner country or in one of these countries for residents of Switzerland

  • No prior professional experience required

  • Interested individuals can view the available volunteer opportunities on our match&move volunteering platform and apply directly

  • Applicatications for vacant positions can be submitted at any time

Added value

  • Develop pedagogical, social, societal and professional competences.
  • Enrich your CV with international experience.
  • Support a non-profit service project.
  • Learn or improve a foreign language. 
  • Develop an understanding of other cultures.
  • Build international friendships.


  • Volunteering in Switzerland

    • Volunteering for a non-profit project

    • For individuals aged 18 to 30 residing in a European country or a neighbouring partner country

    • In Switzerland

    • Between 2 weeks and 12 months

    • No prior professional experience required

    • Participation in training sessions with other volunteers before and during the volunteering period

  • Volunteering in Europe

    • Volunteering for a non-profit project

    • For people aged 18 to 30 residing in Switzerland

    • In Europe and neighbouring partner countries

    • Between 2 weeks and 12 months

    • No prior professional experience required

    • Participation in training sessions with other volunteers before and during the volunteering period

Similar funding opportunities

  • Exchange for VET learners

    An internship in Ireland or Geneva or apprenticeship project in China? VET students/apprentices and graduates can gain work experience abroad or in another language region of Switzerland during or shortly after their apprenticeship. In any case, an enrichment for the CV.

  • Student exchange

    Students have the opportunity to spend time abroad during their studies. They can choose to do an exchange semester at another university or gain work experience with a traineeship. Financial support is available both for studying and for working abroad.