Stays abroad for staff in higher education

Staff of higher education institutions can develop their skills abroad by attending training in the form of courses and seminars, or by taking part in job shadowing programmes. Staff involved in delivering courses also have the option of teaching abroad. 

What it's all about

Staff employed at higher education institutions can choose to develop their skills and abilities abroad. The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) of the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ supports participation in courses, seminars and job shadowing (Staff Mobility for Training), as well as teaching activities abroad (Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments). Both types of mobility are available to staff from Swiss higher education institutions wanting to go abroad (outgoing) and to staff from higher education institutions abroad wanting to come to Switzerland (incoming). 

  • For all staff employed by a university or a college of higher education  

  • Stays between 2 and 60 days

  • At a university or college of higher education abroad (outgoing mobility) or in Switzerland (incoming mobility)

  • Coordination and organisation by the Swiss university or college of higher education

Added value

For participants:

  • Building an international network
  • Insight into a different work environment
  • Discovering a new approach
  • Improving language skills
  • Strengthening intercultural competences
  • Creating a base for future institutional cooperations

For institutions:

  • Strengthening their international network
  • Strengthening international cooperation
  • Increasing international visibility
  • Promoting the professional development of their staff
  • Interculturally competent staff
  • Increasing attractiveness as an employer
  • Potential increase in student mobility


  • Training activities for staff in higher education

    • Courses, seminars and job shadowing abroad

    • Open to academic staff with teaching assignments as well as to scientific, technical and administrative collaborators

    • Stays in Europe and around the world (outgoing) or in Switzerland (incoming)

    • Coordination and organisation by the international relations office of the Swiss higher education institution

  • Teaching assignment for staff in higher education

    • Teaching abroad

    • Staff with teaching assignments

    • Stays in Europe and around the world (outgoing) or in Switzerland (incoming)

    • Coordination by the international relations office of the Swiss higher education institution 

Similar funding opportunities

  • International cooperation for collaboration and innovation

  • International cooperation for excellence