Stays abroad for adult education staff

If you work in adult education, you can find inspiration and foster your professional development and personal growth abroad. You can immerse yourself in a foreign educational environment and observe, learn, and exchange experiences with colleagues from all over the world. We will support you financially.    

What it's all about

Stays abroad offer opportunities for exchange and professional and personal development. Options include, for example, attending a course, doing a job shadowing or working as a guest lecturer. You immerse yourself in a foreign environment and exchange experiences with colleagues from all over the world. Thus you contribute to creating an international work environment at your institution.

  • You work in adult education as a trainer, andragogue, workshop leader, career counsellor, etc. or you are part of the technical or administrative staff of an adult education centre (e.g. management, IT support, accounting, administration).

  • Stays of between 2 to 60 consecutive days are possible. 

  • All over the world (outgoing). There is also the option of inviting adult education staff from abroad to Switzerland (incoming).

  • You organise your stay in consultation with your institution, which submits the funding application to us. 

  • Two deadlines per year: March and October

Added value

For participants:

  • They will get inspired for their daily work and improve the quality of their work.
  • They diversify the workday.
  • They get to know new people and cultures and improve their intercultural skills.
  • They broaden their career prospects.

For institutions:

  • They improve or maintain the educational quality of your institution.
  • They establish an international network.
  • They establish their institution as an innovative and attractive employer.
  • They create an open-minded, learner-friendly work environment.


  • Job shadowing in adult education

    • You accompany colleagues at another institution abroad 

    • 2 - 60 days

    • For all collaborators in the field of adult education, including administration and technology

    • Stay in Europe and around the world (outgoing) or in Switzerland (incoming)

    • Funding application by the Swiss institution in the field of adult education 

  • Teaching activities in adult education

    • You teach at an institution in the field of adult education abroad 

    • 2 - 60 days

    • For adult educators with a teaching assignment

    • Stay in Europe and around the world (outgoing) or in Switzerland (incoming)

    • Funding application by the Swiss institution in the field of adult education

  • Continuing education in adult education

    • You attend courses, seminars, or conferences abroad

    • 2 - 60 days

    • For all collaborators in the field of adult education, including administration and technology

    • Stay in Europe and around the world (outgoing)

    • Invite experts to provide further training for your institution's collaborators (Invited Experts)

    • Funding application by the Swiss institution in the field of adult education

Similar funding opportunities

  • International cooperation for collaboration and innovation

    International cooperations for the strategic cooperation of educational institutions.