Exchange for Youth Workers

The mobility for Youth Workers enables organisations and institutions involved in the field of youth to organise international seminars and networking opportunities for youth workers. Financial support is also provided for participation in an Erasmus+ project. The programme serves to develop the quality of youth work. 

What it's all about

Organisations and institutions involved in the field of youth organise an exchange project for their youth workers. We provide financial support for international seminars, networking between professionals and participation in an international mobility project for youth workers under Erasmus+. This aims to promote quality development in Swiss youth work. Only qualified and/or experienced individuals who work with young people as youth workers are eligible to participate. The exchange can be carried out in Switzerland or abroad, in groups individually. 

  • People of all ages who are professionally or voluntarily involved in youth work

  • In Switzerland or abroad; foreign youth workers may also travel to Switzerland

  • 3 days to 2 months

  • Projects by associations, organisations, NGOs or public institutions that are active in the field of youth are eligible for funding.

  • Application deadlines: 5 March 2024, 14 May 2024 or 8 October 2024

Added value

For participants:

  • You will learn new approaches to youth work.
  • They develop and acquire new methods and theories.
  • An exchange with youth workers from other countries or regions provides cultural enrichment.
  • People in charge expand their experience and expertise in project management.
  • They become more aware of socially relevant topics in various contexts.

For organisations and institutions involved in the field of youth:

  • You build or expand networks with national or international partners.
  • They create and establish new programmes and topics in the field of youth.
  • The exchange contributes to quality development in the field of youth.


  • International exchange for Youth Workers

    • International exchange for youth workers lasting between 2 days and 2 months

    • Youth workers of all ages

    • In Switzerland or abroad with youth workers from both Switzerland and other countries

    • Organised by institutions in the field of youth. 

    • At least one organisation from Switzerland and  one from abroad are involved

  • Participation in an international Youth Worker exchange (Erasmus+)

    • Financial support for participation in Erasmus+ projects in the category "Mobility for Youth Workers" lasting from 2 days to 2 months

    • Youth workers of all ages

    • In Europe and neighbouring countries

    • Funding and sending individual Swiss youth workers to an international mobility project for youth workers under Erasmus+.

    • Organised by institutions and organisations in the field of youth

    • Overall project management is handled by an organisation in an Erasmus+ country

Similar funding opportunities

  • Hosting volunteers as an organisation

    Your organisation can host European volunteers to support your non-profit projects and promote intercultural exchange.

  • Youth exchange for youth groups

    A youth exchange enables young people to meet up with peers in Switzerland or abroad.

  • European training activities for Youth Workers

    Training activities in Europe for Swiss youth workers . Funding opportunities for volunteers and professionals.

  • International cooperation for collaboration and innovation