Job shadowing and teaching assignment at other schools

Get to know new teaching methods, improve your foreign language skills, and make new contacts: teachers, school principals, and other school staff can experience all this by  doing a job shadowing or by teaching at a host school - in Switzerland or abroad. 

What it's all about

As a teacher, school principal or a member of the school staff, you will gain insights into the school practice in another language region of Switzerland or abroad during job shadowing stays or teaching assignments. This exchange experience allows you to engage in a dialogue with colleagues and school experts elsewehere, practice a foreign language, and get to know new perspectives.

  • For teachers, school principals, and other school staff 

  • From compulsory school to upper secondary level (baccalaureate, specialised secondary schools and vocational schools) 

  • In another language region of Switzerland (incl. Swiss schools abroad) or abroad 

  • National: 2 days to 4 weeks / International: 2 to 365 days

  • Organisation by the school

  • Application deadlines: National ongoing / International in spring and autumn


Ein Zürcher Lehrer unterrichtet im Waadtland

Der Zürcher Gymnasiallehrer Martin Müller assistierte und unterrichtete während drei Wochen am Gymnase intercantonal de la Broye in Payerne (VD). Ein bereichernder und lehrreicher Aufenthalt für alle Parteien. 

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Nidwaldner und Walliser Schulen im Austausch

Zwei Lehrpersonen haben den Schritt in eine Schulklasse in einer anderen Sprachregion der Schweiz gewagt und gemerkt, wie bereichernd die Gespräche mit Muttersprachlerinnen und Muttersprachler für das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache sind. 

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Bald werden Schweizer Kinder mehr in der Natur unterrichtet

In zehn Jahren wird der Unterricht in Schweizer Schulen regelmässig in Wald und Wiese stattfinden. Die Idee draussen zu unterrichten ist im nächsten Lehrplan gut verankert. Dank Jobshadowings und dem Austausch mit Umweltpädagogen aus ganz Europa wurde das grosse Potenzial auch in der Schweiz erkannt. 

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Teachers from Rome visit Biel

Teachers from the Swiss school in Rome and from the Biel/Solothurn area spent a week exchanging their experiences of bilingual teaching. The fruitful exchange and mutual job shadowing will continue with a return visit to Rome.

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Gewaltfreie Kommunikation etabliert sich an Bieler Schule

Die Primarrschule Walkermatte in Biel tauschte sich in einem Projekt mit österreichischen und deutschen Expertinnen und Experten der gewaltfreien Kommunikation aus. Das Gelernte wurde sogleich umgesetzt und positive Ergebnisse bei den Schüler:innen beobachtet.   

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Added value

For participants:

  • You exchange experiences and knowledge about school practices.
  • You discover other teaching methods.
  • You improve your language skills.
  • You expand your professional network.
  • The exchange brings inspiration to everyday work life.

For schools:

  • You establish a network with other schools - both nationally and internationally.
  • The exchange experiences enhances the quality of teaching at your institution.
  • You position your institution as an attractive employer.
  • You provide the basis for long-term exchange partnerships.


  • Job shadowing and teaching activities abroad

    • Job shadowing and teaching at a partner school

    • For teachers, school principals, and other school staff of general-education schools at primary or lower and upper secondary level

    • Worldwide

    • 2 to 356 days

  • Job shadowing and teaching activities in Switzerland

    • Job shadowing and teaching at a partner school 

    • For teachers, school principals, and other school staff at primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary schools

    • In another language region of Switzerland or a Swiss school abroad 

    • 1 day to 4 weeks

Similar funding opportunities

  • Gaining teaching experience

    Teaching in Spain, Colombia, or Switzerland? University students or graduates work as language assistants at a host school. The offer applies to Swiss students who go abroad as well as to foreign students who come to Switzerland.

  • Continuing education for school staff

    Teachers, school principals, and other members of school staff can attend continuing education programmes abroad or invite international experts to their school.

  • Implementation of mobility projects results

    Incorporate innovative ideas from one of our funded exchange projects into your school's daily routine to create a ‘school of the future’.