International cooperation for collaboration and innovation
In international cooperation, educational institutions work together on projects for educational practice - under Swiss leadership or with Erasmus+. Educational institutions can work together on a strategic or policy-oriented basis.

What it's all about
As part of a cooperation project, educational institutions work with partner institutions from abroad on joint challenges and develop solutions for their discipline, sector or institution. For example, they develop new teaching materials, innovative forms of teaching, joint educational programmes or test the relevance and effectiveness of political priorities in an international context. In this way, they contribute to an innovative and forward-looking education system.
You can realise cooperation, led by Swiss institutions or by collaborating in an Erasmus+ project. Cooperation led by Swiss institutions are the lowest-threshold format and are also suitable for institutions and organisations without international cooperation experience. Erasmus+ project formats involve more partner institutions and have additional requirements. Cooperation partnerships enable a wide range of projects. The alliances for innovation and the future- and policy-oriented projects are cross-divisional and cross-sector formats that pursue very specific objectives.
Thematic and strategic cooperation relevant to Swiss educational practice in collaboration with institutions abroad
For institutions and organisations from all educational levels (School education, Vocational education and training, Adult education and Youth work)
Swiss project management or participation in Erasmus+ formats
Application by a Swiss institution
Application deadline 1-2 times a year, depending on the format
Added value
For institutions:
- They create innovative teaching opportunities and organisational forms.
- They promote multilingualism and intercultural skills.
- You anchor a culture of mobility and cooperation in your institution.
- They increase their competitiveness in Switzerland and internationally.
- You intensify the international network and strengthen the internationalisation of your institution.
For participants:
- You will receive fresh ideas, develop new approaches for practical application and develop your personal skills.
- You will gain work experience in an international project.
- You strengthen your international network.